Working Home Parents

Working Home Parents

with Amanda and Dan Norton.

Weekly interviews, resources, and advice to help make parenting and working from home a little less stressful for you.

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Jan. 12, 2021

Top 10 Apps To Keep You Productive Working From Home

#019 - Sometimes, there are more distractions working at home than there are at the office. From non-stop notifications to being right next to your own refrigerator, we need to be intentional with getting work down effective…
Jan. 5, 2021

Starting And Managing A Business From Home With Kids - Katie Brinkley

#018 - Sometimes getting laid off from your dream job can lead to creating your own dream business. If you're considering starting your own business from home or need to balance multiple people working from home, you'll wan…
Dec. 29, 2020

Planning 2021 - 7 Simple For Your Work and Family

#017 - 2020 May have taken us by surprise, but now we can use that experience to better plan our 2021. At least we can try our best to plan ahead. In this episode, we share our top 7 tips for planning the new year from your …
Dec. 22, 2020

Potty Training During A Pandemic With Potty Training Consultant Jacklyn Gravel

#016 - If potty training wasn't hard enough before, now attempting it while working from home during a pandemic seems impossible. In this episode, we chat with Potty Training consultant Jacklyn Gravel from Hey.Sweet.Cheeks a…
Dec. 15, 2020

Parent Life Made Easier By Smart Home Tech With Craig Williamson

#015 - Anything that can make a Parent's life easier is always welcome! With smart home tech on the rise, how can it help us parents who work from home? In this episode, fellow Parent and Podcaster Craig Williamson joins the…
Dec. 8, 2020

12 Fun Family Christmas Activities for 2020

#014 - No matter what, it's going to be a different Christmas season than we're used to. Let's not let the negativity or altered traditions ruin this time of year for our kids. In this episode, we share 12 fun activities to …